Natural Ways to Gain Some Weight
Eat nutrient dense foods. Blindly packing on fatty, unhealthy calories can be harmful to your health even if it doesn't manifest itself in your waistline. Pay attention to carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. According to Dan Heinemann, MD, a board member of the American Academy of Family Physicians, a good ratio to follow is 60 to 70 percent carbohydrates and 10 to 15 percent protein with a small amount of fat.
Limit your activity reasonably. While you don't want to overdo it by becoming unhealthily sedentary, you can physically exert yourself to the point where you are burning more calories than you are taking in. Live your normal life, but make minor adjustments here and there. For instance, take the elevator instead of the stairs, or give in to the temptation to take that power nap.
Healthy Fats
Add more healthy fat to your diet. Adding good fat sources, such as avocado and fish, allows you to gain a few much needed pounds. Eating pizza daily will help you gain weight but it will be bad for your cholesterol and overall health.
Larger Meals
Eating small, frequent meals increases metabolism. Do the opposite if you are thin. Don't gorge yourself on unhealthy foods, though. Increase your portions and eat less often; this will fill you up more and encourage your body to store the calories. Use alcohol moderately before a meal if you fill up quickly; this can stimulate appetite.
Bedtime Snack
Eat a healthy, filling snack before you go to bed. Your body will store the energy and calories as opposed to using them up quickly.