Does Coffee Give You Cellulite?
Dr. Michael Lehrer, at Right explains that dehydration may contribute to the appearance of cellulite deposits. Coffee contains caffeine and may produce a diuretic and dehydrating effect if you consume more than five cups each day, says registered dietitian, Katherine Zeratsky at the Mayo Clinic.
Fluid Retention
According to nutritional therapist, Linda Lazarides, fat cells and retained water contribute to the appearance of cellulite. In her book, "The Waterfall Diet," Lazarides blames the diuretic effect of caffeine in drinks such as coffee as a common cause of fluid retention and cellulite deposition.
Weight Gain
According to Lehrer, maintaining a healthy weight through good nutrition and effective exercise will help you avoid cellulite. Zeratsky warns that although caffeine in drinks like coffee mildly reduce your appetite for a brief time, some specialty coffees are particularly high in calories, and may therefore contribute to weight gain and cellulite deposits.