How to Gain Weight in a Couple of Months Quickly
Eat foods which offer nutritional value as well as good calorie content. This will ensure you do not compromise your health as you put on weight. Foods such as avocados and potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish are excellent options.
Increase the calorie content of your average meals and snacks. Add avocados and olives to sandwiches, wheat germ to your cereal and chopped meat to your pasta sauce to ensure a higher calorie content.
Ensure consistency in your eating habits. Skipping meals will be detrimental to your weight gain. Eat at least three meals per day, with at least wto snacks in between the main meals. This schedule will ensure a gradual and healthy weight gain.
Eat larger portions in general. Extra fruit in your cereal, extra cheese on your pasta or an additional scoop of ice-cream will add extra calories to your daily intake.
Go to the gym more often and perform muscle-building exercise. More food is not the only way to build weight; you can turn your body mass into muscle and add overall weight with some hard work in the gym.
Drink protein shakes if you need to build body mass quickly. These shakes can often contain up to 10 times the calorie content of a main meal -- but you should combine these with exercise so that you turn this excess calorie intake into muscle and not unhealthy fat.