Step-by-Step Abs Workout
Crunches help flatten abs. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your hands either behind your head or flat on the floor.
Lift your upper body as if you are about to get up off the floor, but do not get up. Your hands can be positioned behind your head or reaching toward your knees. Hold the position for three to five seconds.
Lower your upper body back down to the floor. Repeat as many times as you wish.
Add variations. Lift the right knee so it's in a 90-degree angle and crunch toward that knee. Repeat the action with the left side. Another crunch position you can perform is to raise your legs straight to the ceiling while you lift your upper body.
The Plank
Lie on your stomach. Place your palms on the ground directly below your ears with your elbows bent by your rib cage. Flex your feet so your toes touch the ground.
Lift with your biceps, abs, legs toes so your body is resting on your elbows and toes. Keep your body straight with your arms at a 90-degree angle for as long as you can. Keep your abs and legs stiff and your back straight. Hold this for a few seconds.
Add extra seconds each time you do the plank. Eventually work your way up to holding the plank for a few minutes.
Bodyweight Squats
Perform squats to help your stomach and leg muscles. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Pull in your stomach muscles to tighten them.
Bend at the knees as if you are going to sit in a chair. Keep your knees over your ankles. Hold your arms straight in front of your body to assist with balance.
Keep bending until you are in a full squatting position (your thighs should be parallel to the floor). Keep your back straight and your stomach muscles pulled in tight.
Hold the squat for three to 10 seconds. Stand up straight again. Perform as many squats as you like or until your legs are fatigued.