How to Put on a Lot of Weight
Visit your doctor to find out if you are an unhealthy weight for your height. If you have recently lost a significant amount of weight or have previously been unsuccessful in your attempts to put on weight, there may be an underlying health problem preventing you from gaining weight. If this is the case, you may need to undergo medical treatment. Conditions such as an overactive thyroid gland, celiac disease and negative nutrition can all prevent the body from gaining weight. Anorexia and bulimia are psychological conditions that can be the cause of weight loss.
Eat healthily by maintaining a balanced diet of 65 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein and 20 percent good fats. Incorporate unsaturated fats into your diet such as olive oil, walnuts and almonds. Other sources of good fat include olives, salmon, mackerel and avocado. Eat small nutritious snacks in between meals, such as nuts, fruit, yogurt and cheese. Eat something nutritious, such as a peanut butter sandwich just before you go to bed. This will aid your weight gain as your body will not burn off the calories as easily while you are asleep. Avoid fast food, fried food and processed food as this can encourage the body to develop negative nutrition, which means that the body is unable to absorb nutrients to stay healthy.
Practice repetitions of resistance exercises such as press ups, bicep curls and crunches at least three times a week to see a noticeable difference within three to four weeks. Begin with five to 10 repetitions of each exercise and increase as strength improves. Avoid exercises that will drain you physically without helping you to put on weight, such as regular jogging and cycling. Ensure that your intake of calories per day is higher than the amount you are burning off to successfully gain weight.