How to Build the Upper Body Fast
Perform push-ups so that your arms will become stronger. Push-ups help build upper body strength by using your body weight as the resistant weight when you lift yourself. Place your hands shoulder width apart on the ground and lay down with your stomach touching the ground. Push yourself up with your arms and keep your legs straight. Your body should look like a straight plank when you perform this move. If your body is not in a straight line you are performing the push-up incorrectly. Increase the amount of push-ups that you do each time you exercise. Start your push-up routine by doing the amount of push-ups that you are comfortable completing.
Perform close-grip chin-ups to strengthen your upper body. Install a chin--up bar in your home so that you can use your body mass to your benefit by doing chin-ups. Grasp the bar with your hands facing you about shoulder width apart. Use your arms to pull your body up until your chin is just above the bar. Increase the amount of chin-ups that you do each time you exercise. Start your chin-up routine by doing the number of repetitions you are comfortable completing.
Perform a standing military press to improve your upper body muscles. Use a barbell with the weight amount of your choice positioned on the barbell. Stand with your feet about two feet apart from each other and hold the barbell in front of your neck with your hands facing away from you. Raise the barbell above your head, hold for 2 to 3 seconds and then bring the barbell down. Increase the amount of standing military presses that you do each time you exercise. Start your standing military presses routine by doing the number of repetitions that you are comfortable completing.