Weight Workout Routines
Improves Bones Strength
As we age, our bones begin to weaken. Weight-bearing exercises help keep our bones strong by increasing the physical stress placed on them, encouraging new bone formation. Weight training can generate new bone when it is needed in a phenomena called bone remodeling. Individuals with osteoporosis greatly benefit from weight-bearing exercises.
Weightlifting and Depression
Weightlifting has been said to have an impact on depression. A study published in the "Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology" reported that exercise does not have to include cardiovascular workouts to reduce depression. Supplement your medicinal regimen with a weightlifting routine to further reduce or mitigate your depression.
Suggestions for Workouts
Take 20 to 30 minutes out of your day to do a modified weightlifting routine in your home to improve your health and well-being. Do biceps curls with a 2-liter bottle. Lean against a wall with your hands spread shoulder length apart for a modified push-up. Do modified squats using a 5-gallon bucket filled with dirt or gravel.