Secrets to Gaining Weight Without Weights
To gain weight you will have to eat more calories than you burn on a daily basis. A good way to increase your caloric intake is to eat frequently. Eating every three hours, up to six meals per day, is ideal. Frequent eating will make it easier to eat more calories, instead of eating three large meals per day. By multiplying your weight in pounds by 20, you can find out the minimum amount of calories you have to consume daily to gain weight. Get your carbohydrates from foods like brown rice, whole-wheat bread, potatoes, couscous and fruits; enjoy lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Choose unsaturated fats like olive oil over saturated fats.
Building muscle mass will help you gain weight, because muscle weighs more than fat. Calisthenics are exercises you can do right at home, using the resistance of your own body weight. They increase muscle mass, and they can also make you stronger and more energetic. Calisthenic exercises include squats, push-ups, bench dips, calf raises, lunges and crunches. After exercising, always allow the muscles a day off, so they can recover before being trained again.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercises--such as running, biking and swimming--should be limited, if you are trying to gain weight. Increasing the heart rate activates the metabolism and burns the calories that you need to maintain in order to gain weight. A maximum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, two days per week, should keep your weight gain progress in tact.
Weight Gain Shakes
Weight gain shakes are high in calories, carbohydrates and protein, and they can supplement your weight gain diet. If you cannot consume all the calories needed to gain weight, you can drink a weight gain shake. The best time to drink weight gain shakes is during your workout and after your workout.