How to Reduce Double Chin Fat
Start a calorie journal. Reduce the number of calories consumed each day by 200 calories. Eat foods high in fiber and protein, including fruits, vegetables and dairy. Eat five small meals instead of three large meals to keep your metabolism high. Consume no more than 35 percent of your calories from fats each day.
Walk, jog or bike for at least 30 minutes a day, everyday. This will burn more fat calories all over your body, which will help you shed the excess fat around the chin.
Position your head slightly upward or look straight ahead for better posture, as bending your head and neck downward may accentuate the appearance of the excess chin fat by causing the skin around the area to stretch and hang.
Exercise to tighten the skin around the chin. One exercise that can be completed just before you go to sleep each night is to lie on your side with your head on your pillow, and gently tilt your head back to stretch your neck. Chewing gum throughout the day is another efficient way to tone facial and chin muscles. For a list of double chin exercises, see Resources below.
Consider cosmetic surgery to reduce or remove excess chin fat only if consistent dieting and exercise fail to reduce the double chin appearance. Contact a reputable cosmetic surgeon to discuss your options.