The Best Crash Diet Foods
Low-Fat and Low-Carb Proteins
Low-fat cheese is an excellent source of protein. Proteins are included in most diets, but in a crash diet it is important that they are of a specific type and are limited in quantity. Skinless chicken and turkey, low-fat fish, fat-free cheese, egg whites and beef jerky are all approved for crash dieting, according to "The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook: A Scientific Approach to Crash Dieting" by Lyle McDonald. This crash-diet handbook suggests that any source of protein be both low in fat and low in carbohydrates.
Apples will help you to feel full during your crash diet. According to C. Elias, author of "Fat Burning Foods: An A-Z List of Foods that Burn Fat to Start a Healthy Diet," an apple a day not only keeps the doctor away, but it also helps to supercharge your metabolism. Apples are chock-full of a soluble fiber called pectin, which helps keep your appetite in check and may even limit the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Studies have shown that eating an apple before a meal can boost your chance of losing weight by 33 percent.
The Cabbage Soup Diet should only be followed for 7 days at a time. Cabbage is a favored crash-diet food because it is low in calories and it contains essential nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin C. The sulfur and iodine in cabbage help to cleanse the mucous membrane within your stomach and intestines, which helps combat damaging effects of chemicals we absorb into our bodies. Eating large amounts of cabbage, as suggested in the Cabbage Soup Diet, can help you get rid of fat in your mid-section.
Carrots are a good source of vitamin A. Carrots are difficult for your body to digest. In fact, your body will expend more calories digesting this food than the food contains. This is why carrots are referred to as a "negative-calorie food." They also are filled with vitamins and fiber, so if you pop a few carrots in your mouth before a meal, you can expect to feel more full and eat less.