How to Use Fitday
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Internet connection
- Accurate scale
- Measuring tape
- Small notebook and pen
Register, Create a Profile and Set Goals
Weigh yourself, and record today's date and your weight in the notebook.
Log on to the Internet and direct your browser to Click on "Create a New Profile" and enter your information -- including your age, height and weight.
Decide on a healthy weight goal for you. Try entering your height and goal weight into a BMI calculator (see Resources 4) to find a weight that will yield a healthy BMI for you. Decide on a goal date for achieving your goal weight. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should plan to lose no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week. Calculate your goal date by subtracting your goal weight from your current weight and dividing by 2. For example, 150 pounds current weight minus 125 pounds target weight equals 25 pounds, divided by 2 pounds per week equals 13 weeks.
Click on the "Weight Goal" tab at the top of the page in FitDay. Enter your goal weight and goal date in FitDay and click on "Update my Weight Goal."
Click on the "Body" tab at the top of the page in FitDay. Measure your neck, bicep, forearm, chest, waist, hips, thigh and calf, and click "Save Changes" to enter your measurements.
Track Food Intake
Eat normally for one week (don't diet) and record everything you eat in your notebook. This will provide you with some baseline data to help you to set goals.
Click on the "Food" tab at the top of the page in FitDay to go to your food log. If you don't have time to enter your food intake daily, be sure to do so as often as possible. FitDay will automatically open your food log to today's date. Click on "Show Previous Day" or "Show Next Day" at the top of the page to enter foods for another day.
Type the name of a food into the search box and click "Search" to bring up a list of options. Select the option closest to the food that you consumed, and click "Add to Food Log" to enter that food. Continue to add foods until your list is complete. If you can't find your food, use the "Create a Custom Food" option to add it to the list. Find foods entered recently by selecting the option to search your recent foods.
Enter quantity for each food eaten, and make sure to select the correct unit of measurement.
Click on "Save Changes" to save your FitDay food log for the day.
Record Exercise
Exercise normally for one week and record the exercise type and duration in your notebook each day. This will provide you with some baseline data to help you to set goals.
Click on the "Activities" tab at the top of the page in FitDay to go to your activity log. Enter your activities whenever you enter your food intake. FitDay will automatically open your activity log to today's date but will provide links at the top of the page to show the previous or next day.
Type the name of an activity into the search box and click "Search" to bring up a list of options. Select the option closest to the activity that you performed, and click "Add to Activity Log" to enter. You can also search your recent activities to find your favorites easily.
Enter the amount of time you spent performing each activity. Enter distance if tracking distance will be helpful for setting fitness goals.
Click on "Save Changes" to enter your activities into your FitDay fitness log.
Monitor Progress
Weigh yourself only once per week, and enter your new weight under the "Weight" tab in FitDay. View your weight graph and weight goal to track your progress and ensure that you are on track for achieving your goal.
Take new body measurements once per month, or every other month, and enter your new measurements under the "Body" tab in FitDay. View the "Body over Time" graph to see how your body is changing. You may see changes in your measurements even when your body weight does not change.
View your goal graph, BMI, calorie balance and progress under the "Weight Goal" tab in FitDay once per month to gauge your progress toward your goals.