How to Get Rid of My Saddlebags/Love Handles
Things You'll Need
- Measuring tape
- Weight scale
- Calendar
- Daily planner
- Calorie counter
- Diet plan
- Exercise plan
Preparing to Lose Weight
Determine the final goal of weight loss. This can be measured in number of inches lost or overall weight lost.
Measure the waist, hips and thighs and note the measurements on the calendar. Determine your current overall weight. Write this number on the calendar.
Track all food consumed for one week and record in the daily planner. Include beverages, snacks and meals. Everything that you eat and drink should be recorded. Determine the calories and fat contained in the items eaten over the course of the week. Create daily and weekly totals. Track all exercise for the week. Include the specific type of exercise and duration.
Planning a Diet and Exercise Program
Review the food diary and plan meals for the following week that reduce the number of calories and fat grams eaten to the recommended daily allowance. Verify this amount with a medical professional familiar with your size and general health. Focus on adding healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than only removing unhealthy foods. Continue to record all food consumed over the course of the week.
Review the amount of exercise from the daily diary. Add exercises specific to the abdomen and legs to help reduce fat around the waist and tone muscles in the area. Examples are sit-ups and leg-lifts. Start with as few as 10 sit-ups and leg-lifts. Do two sets then add 10 reps each week until reaching 30 sit-ups and leg-lifts. At 30, reduce the number to 15 sit-ups but add another set so a total of 45 reps is being done. Repeat this process until doing sets of 50 for at least four reps. Add a twist to doing crunches by touching the left elbow to the right knee, then touch the right elbow to the left knee. Follow the same pattern of reps and sets as with the standard leg-lifts and sit-ups. Utilize weights to increase the intensity of workouts. Schedule moderate aerobic exercise in addition to weight training for the most effective weight loss.
Increase the amount of water you consume daily. This increase will help reduce hunger while providing additional resources for the body to remove fat. Continue to make small changes to improve diet and exercise routines.
Make small changes weekly, such as eliminating one high-fat food per week or adding 10 minutes onto an existing workout. Eat five small, nutritious meals throughout the day, but not after 8 p.m. Eating regularly will eliminate the sudden hunger that can overwhelm good eating habits.
Vary the types of aerobic exercise while maintaining a schedule of abdominal exercises. Participating in only one type of exercise can become boring over time and reduce the desire to continue when progress is slow. Love handles are a layer of fat under the skin and an overall exercise program more effectively reduces this fat.