The Fastest Way to Put on Weight

Whether you are a skinny man or a skinny woman, if you are trying to gain weight, you will need to adjust your lifestyle similar to if you were trying to lose weight. The fasted way to gain weight is by incorporating exercise and eating a proper diet. To reach your desired goals, you will also need a healthy dose of discipline and consistency.


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      Eat more calories than you burn on a daily basis. Take your weight in pounds and multiply it by 20. This number is the amount of daily calories you need to consume to gain weight. If you lead an active lifestyle, you will need even more calories.

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      Eat up to six small, nutritious meals per day. By eating every three hours, you avoid cravings for result-sabotaging foods and you don't feel deprived. You are also more likely to meet the caloric requirement needed for weight gain. Choose complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain and fiber-rich products, lean proteins, such as fish, chicken, turkey and egg whites and unsaturated fats found in olive oil, raw nuts and avocados.

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      Supplement your diet with weight-gain shakes. Weight-gain shakes are easily consumed and are high in calories. If you are unable to eat the amount of food it takes to fulfill your caloric requirements, a weight-gain shake can be consumed.

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      Lift weights three to four times a week to increase muscle mass. Muscle tissue weights more than fat. Working out with weights will prevent you from gaining fat and will give you a toned physique instead of a flabby one. Do compound exercises where you lift a lot of weight and workout multiple muscles at the same time. Exercises include dead-lifts, squats, bent-over rows, chin-ups, bench presses and overhead presses. Increase the weight as you get stronger.

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      Prevent overworking the muscles since this will sabotage your weight-gain results. Allow muscles to rest so they can recover in time for their next workout. Split up the muscles you train over the days of the week. For instance, workout arms and shoulders on Mondays, Legs and chest on Wednesdays and abdominals and back on Fridays.

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      Sleep eight hours per night. When you sleep your body restores itself and provides your with energy for your next workout.

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      Drink water to hydrate the body and flush your system. Water also promotes digestive health. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine since these dehydrate they body and drain your energy.

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      Weigh yourself at the end of each week. For healthy weight gain you should gain 1 to 2 pounds per week. Anything more than this means you are gaining fat. On a monthly basis you should gain 5 to 8 pounds.

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