How to Set Up a Weight-loss Challenge
Contact friends, families and co-workers. Ask if they'd like to be part of the next weight-loss challenge. Make a list of all participants.
Schedule the first meeting at someone's home to set up the challenge. Collect $10 from each participant. Pool the money, and buy a gift certificate to an upscale restaurant that serves healthy food.
Divide the participants into three or four teams with an equal number of people. Do this by selecting names randomly from a hat.
Do the first weigh-in. Record each person's weight on a chart, along with the date and the team they're on.
Discuss weight-loss strategies, and serve healthy snacks. Set a time for the next meeting, which should take place in seven days.
Meet every seven days for a weigh-in and motivational session. Discuss exercise strategies, nutritional basics and how to stay motivated at each meeting. Give encouragement to help each participant stay on course. Record each person's weekly weight.
Schedule the final weigh-in at the end of two months. Tabulate each team's total weight loss, and determine the winning team. Present the restaurant gift certificate to the team that lost the most weight.