How to Cures for Overeating

Overeating may be caused by stress or by neurotoxins that we unknowingly eat as additives in some foods. Neurotoxins, along with other food additives, may excite and stimulate the appetite in some people and lead to overeating and obesity. Although you will not find the word neurotoxins on food labels, they are present in some of the packaged and boxed foods that are purchased from the grocery store, according to

Overeating may also be caused by a disease such as Prader-Willi Syndrome. For those seeking a cure for overeating, check with a doctor first to rule out underlying health problems.

Things You'll Need

  • Raw fruits and vegetables
  • Juicer
  • Class in yoga, exercise or meditation
  • 2 quarts of water daily
  • Rebounder (optional)
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    • 1

      Visit your doctor and explain your concerns. Your doctor can run tests to exclude underlying physical conditions that may contribute to overeating, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome, or PWS, a genetic condition caused by a chromosonal abnormality. PWS causes the body to experience chronic hunger as it metabolizes fewer calories than normal, according to the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association.

      People suffering from PWS are driven by the compulsion to eat because they are eternally hungry. There is help for this condition available at

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      Read food labels and learn to recognize neurotoxic food additives, like MSG, yeast extract and maltodextrin that excite and stimulate the appetite and contribute to overeating. Avoid them when you can.

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      Introduce raw plant foods--vegetables and fruits--into the diet. These foods satisfy the body naturally, and it takes less of them to produce the "full" feeling. They are also lower in calories.

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      Learn how a raw vegetable/fruit juicer works, and use it every day to produce your own healing health and energy juices.

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      Cut down or eliminate the white foods: white flour, white sugar, desserts and dairy.

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      Commit to a daily routine of a stress-relieving activity such as exercise, yoga or meditation. Stress is a major contributor to overeating, according to

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      Sign up for some classes in strengthening mental health with thankful attitudes, prayer, a forgiving lifestyle and a better self-image.

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      Drink two quarts of water daily. Staying hydrated gives you energy.

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      Bounce on a rebounder daily to build energy and promote healing for the lymph system.

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