Drawbacks of Being Lean
Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung)
Pneumothorax occurs when air or gas builds up between your lungs and your chest, making it impossible for your lungs to expand fully. The cause of pneumothorax is typically damage to the lungs or damage to the chest wall, which allows air to enter. For unknown reasons, spontaneous pneumothorax is more common among thin men aged 20-40 than any other male age/weight group. Females are less likely to suffer pneumothorax than males.
Osteoporosis and Broken Bones
Osteoporosis is a disease that leaves bones brittle enough to break easily. Having very little fat contributes to this disease because lean people produce fewer estrogen, which make bones stronger. Being lean also gives you less cushion, should you fall. Lean people are more likely to break a bone in a fall than people with a significant amount of fat. The risk for osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related broken bones is higher for elderly people.
Being too lean can have a negative impact on a woman's ability to become pregnant. Insufficient body fat can cause changes in menstruation and ovulation. Loss of either of these natural body functions can lead to temporary infertility. A body mass index of 20-25 is ideal for becoming pregnant. Those with a lower BMI than that can risk losing their ability to ovulate and menstruate. Too much exercise can produce the same result as lack of body fat.
Many sports require players to have a lean physique. Leaner individuals tend to be faster and more agile. This is an advantage in sports like soccer, swimming, gymnastics and running. Other sports, or particular player positions for these sports, require heavier, sturdy players. For example, a hockey goalie should be large so he blocks more of the net and can withstand players crashing into him. It is good to have some extra weight if you want to play a defensive position in football, as well. If you want to play any of these sports, or in positions that require a larger build, being lean is a disadvantage, especially if you have trouble gaining weight.
Warmth in Cold Climates
Body fat helps maintain body temperature by blocking its exit from your body. Thin people tend to have lower tolerances for cold weather than people with more fat.