List of Vegetables That Speed Up Metabolism
Popeye, a famed cartoon character, used spinach to help him win the day and save his girl, Olive Oyl. In reality, nutritionists have found that spinach is a metabolism booster, since it has a dense concentration of calcium and vitamin B. Spinach is also a major source of fiber, which makes the human body burn calories at a faster rate. This green-leaf vegetable also features high amounts of iron, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium. People also eat spinach for its antioxidants, which can be pivotal in repairing torn muscles. Use this green-leaf vegetable in salads or sandwiches, rather than lettuce, and serve it in a variety of appetizers, such as spinach dip.
Cayenne Pepper
This fiery, red vegetable originates from French Guinea--it is named after the city in this country--and is a source for high metabolism due to its thermagenic properties. Once you have ingested a cayenne pepper, its thermagenic properties heats up your body, which will in turn use calories in order to cool your body down. People also use a drink concoction of cayenne peppers, in powdered form, and lemon juice to burn fat tissues and increase their metabolism. Cayenne peppers also have a high concentration of fiber, which causes the body to burn calories. One word of caution; studies show that people allergic to kiwis, bananas and avocados may also be allergic to cayenne peppers.
Black Beans
Originating from Latin American countries, such as Cost Rica and Nicaragua, black beans are beneficial to people who want to increase their metabolism, due to its fiber and protein properties. The fiber properties cause the body to burn calories at a higher rate, while proteins are difficult to digest, which makes the body use more calories. Another effect of black beans, due to its fiber, is that it makes you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Latin and Cajun restaurants often serve these beans as side items, and you can find them in grocery stores.