How to Have a Fuller Figure
Gain the Weight
Increase the amount of food you are eating. You don't have to gorge but don't let yourself go hungry, either. Socialize with friends who like to eat as this will encourage you to do the same.
Eat more complex carbohydrates, also known as starches. Foods under this category are pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes and whole grain foods. To remain healthy, avoid adding ingredients rich in saturated fats to these dishes involving these foods. You should actually avoid saturated fats altogether as the weight gained from these foods will head straight to your stomach and buttocks.
Add unsaturated fats to your current healthy meal choices, such as eating a salad. Do so by drizzling or mixing olive oil into the food. Not only will increasing unsaturated fat in your diet boost your weight, it is also healthy for your body. Your body needs to have fat put into it and unsaturated fat is the healthier choice.
Eat fruit that is high in calorie density. These include dates, avocados, grapefruit, bananas and larger oranges. Also drink a high amount of fruit juice since it is more concentrated and has more calories in each serving.
Wear the Look
Wear outfits that have a tailored look, like fitted-up buttons and straight skirts. These, along with wrap dresses, will help to make your body look slim but give your waist some definition. Wear flared skirts if you are insecure about your legs.
Try draping clothes over parts of your body as an accessory to your outfit. There will always be parts of your body you like and don't like. This will help to hide some of the parts you don't and bring out the ones you do.
Tighten your dresses at the waist to really bring out the hour-glass figure in you. And choose dresses with fuller skirts since they are the most flattering.