How to Get Slim in 30 Days
Use an online calculator such as the Adult Energy Needs and BMI Calculator to determine how many calories you need each day for weight maintenance, and subtract 500 calories. If you burn an additional 500 calories a day through exercise, you'll lose up to two pounds a week.
Eliminate fast food and processed foods. Convenience foods are too high in carbohydrates and fat to be part of a slimming diet. Substitute lean sources of protein such as turkey and non-fried fish for burgers, and trade french fries for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Replace sugar-sweetened beverages with green tea and unsweetened coffee. The catechins in green tea boost fat-burning, and tea has no significant calories. Coffee is also calorie-free.
Walk or run for 30 minutes each morning, and schedule a second session for later in the day. Running burns up to 550 calories an hour, and a brisk run twice a day keeps your metabolism primed.
Weigh daily when you wake up in the morning. Write your weight down in a log book, and reassess on a weekly basis to make sure you're losing two pounds per week. If not, make adjustments to how many calories you're taking in and burning off.