Meals to Put on Weight
Eggs are a good source of protein and can be prepared a variety of ways. At breakfast, eat foods rich in carbohydrates that will release energy slowly. Oatmeal is a quick, tasty meal that can be adapted to anyone's particular taste buds. Some "good" fat additions to oatmeal are peanut butter, whole milk and nuts, but fresh fruit is always an easy option. If gaining weight is the goal, pack in as much protein as possible. Eggs are a good source of protein and eating an omelet in the morning allows you to supplement with other proteins like meats, such as bacon or ham. You can have your omelet plain or on whole-wheat bread for added carbohydrates. Don't be afraid to add whole milk to your coffee or tea.
Sandwiches are an easy way to get all your carbs in at lunch. Since you need to consume more calories than you burn to gain weight, incorporate as many carbs as possible into your diet. For lunch, whole-wheat pasta, fresh vegetables sauteed in olive oil and topped with cheese will provide lots of calories while avoiding saturated fats that lead to health problems. Fish is also rich in omega-3, a good fat, so have tuna with mayonnaise on whole-wheat bread with lettuce and cheese, but don't neglect fresh produce. An important part of gaining weight is maintaining a healthy balance while consuming lots of calories.
Salmon and potatoes for dinner are rich in protein and carbohydrates. At dinner, half your plate should be protein--think steak, chicken or fish. As always, incorporate a large side of carbs as this is the time of day you should eat the most calories. By consuming a lot of calories before bed, the body doesn't have time to burn them off and you will be able to put on the pounds. So with potatoes, rice, beans or a side of pasta and a side salad, don't skimp on the olive oil vinaigrette and you will be well on your way to getting to a healthy weight.
Smoothies are an easy way to enjoy fresh carbohydrates. When on a diet plan to gain weight, frequency is important. Eat about every three hours, unless you have been instructed otherwise by your doctor. Your snacks should resemble mini-meals so that you are eating about six times per day. For a snack, an apple or banana with peanut butter will meet the high-protein and carb requirement. You could also chow down on nuts, smoothies and cheese, or you can even indulge in a pastry or ice cream once in a while.