Diets for Contest Prep
Ketogenic Diet
Bodybuilders often follow diets in periodic cycles of high and low carbohydrate intake. A ketogenic diet puts the body into a ketosis mode by lowering the intake of carbohydrates. While carbohydrates are necessary to bulk up, a ketogenic diet manages the carbohydrate cycle appropriately according to each body type. By using proteins, a ketogenic diet forces the body to convert ketones, instead of glucose, into energy in the low presence of carbohydrates. When this diet is followed, the body uses fat as its fuel instead of glucose and it also reduces hunger pangs, allowing bodybuilders to reduce their caloric intake. Minimal amounts of carbohydrates, less than 30 grams a day, are ingested while following the ketogenic diet. This diet is usually followed closer to contest day.
Vegan Diet
A vegan diet derives its high proteins from cereals, nuts, and legumes. Dry soya is also a primary source of good protein that can help manage caloric intake while lowering the intake of carbohydrates. Yeast is used as a supplement to enhance a bodybuilder's protein intake. A diet high in vitamin C is followed in the vegan diet to increase the absorption of iron while calcium, vitamin B12 and iodine are consumed to support body function. Eating healthy food regularly and consuming plenty of fluids is key to all contest prep diets.
Diet for Muscles
Animal proteins are used in larger quantities than vegetable protein to build muscle. Bodybuilders eat their last meal at least three hours before the competition. A diet high in vitamins is used for contest day prep and training to supplement the other nutrition managed in the diet. Foods with pork, lamb, sausage, beef, beer or mushrooms are avoided to prevent ailments.