How to Reduce Water Weight Gain
If the problem is chronic, your doctor can prescribe a diuretic that will increase urination to get rid of the excess water. However, for the average person with water weight, there are natural strategies you can use to achieve the same effect.
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Fruits and vegetables
- Nuts and seeds
- Whole grains
- Calcium
- Magnesium
Drink eight or more glasses of water per day. If your body becomes dehydrated, it will retain as much fluid as possible to keep your body functioning. Supply your body with a steady flow of water to keep fluid levels balanced.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, especially those high in water content.
Avoid salt, which is a major culprit for water retention.
Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
Take herbal supplements such as dandelion, parsley, corn silk, hawthorn, ginger or juniper. These are natural diuretics, which will help you urinate more frequently to eliminate excess water. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements if you have any conditions or are taking any medications, which could interact with the herbs and cause problems.