Can eDiets Work for Hashimoto's Weight Gain?
Hypothyroidism, known as Hashimoto's disease, can cause fatigue, depression and weight gain. Although eDiets does not specifically address Hashimoto's, patients with low thyroid function can use the site to establish a healthy diet based on their individual requirements and potentially aid in weight loss.-
Diet and Hashimoto's
Patients taking synthetic thyroid medication should avoid foods that inhibit the absorption of thyroid hormone, such as extremely high-fiber foods, many nuts, Brussels sprouts, radishes, cauliflower, kale and soy products. eDiets users with Hashimoto's can choose substitutes for these foods or elect to eliminate them altogether in a customized meal plan.
eDiets plans
Registered dietitians and other eDiets members can offer advice and support for personalizing programs and maximizing weight loss potential for users with Hashimoto's, but the site doesn't support a special program for those with thyroid dysfunction.
The Mayo Clinic indicates that no diet has been proven to improve thyroid function. A healthy diet will help Hashimoto's patients achieve safe, effective weight loss but it won't return thyroid function to normal.