Ways to Calculate BMI
Standard Measure
To use pounds and inches, the formula is as follows:
BMI = weight in lb. / [height in in.^2] x 703
For example, if your weight is 175 and your height is 70 inches, you would divide 175 by 70^2 and then multiply by 703. This gives a BMI of 25.1, which is slightly overweight.
Metric Measure
To use metric measures, the formula is as follows:
BMI = weight in kg / [height in m]^2
For example, if your weight is 80 kg and your height is 1.8 m, you would divide 80 by 1.8 squared (which equals 3.24) and arrive at 24.7, which is in the normal range.
Calculating BMI for Children
Calculate BMI for children the same way you do for adults. However, the criteria used to determine obesity are different. Health professionals take a child's age and sex into account when determining whether a child might be categorized as obese.