How to Eat Food According to Your Blood Type
Get an ABO blood typing test. This test will help you determine your specific blood type. Doctors will take blood from a vein using a needle and check for blood antibodies to ascertain your blood category. You do not have to fast before this testing procedure, and results will usually become available within a day of the testing procedure.
Eat foods based on your blood type. Type A recommendations revolve around organic, vegetarian choices due to this group's high risk of blood disease and immune system sensitivity. Type A should avoid dairy, meat and animal fat. Type B can eat a wide variety of foods due to a healthy digestive system; however, nuts, seeds and processed foods are not recommended. Carbohydrates should be limited as well. Because Type O is considered "environmentally intolerant," according to Dr. D'Adamo's theory, this group should limit foods such as potatoes and grains to avoid joint inflammation. Type O can eat limited amounts of meat, fish, eggs, nuts and oils but should avoid cereals, rice, beans and dairy. Type AB can eat foods from both the A and B blood type groups, including vegetarian fare and a combination of dairy, meat and fish. This group should avoid saturated fats and processed foods.
Exercise according to blood type recommendations to increase health and weight-loss benefits associated with the blood type eating plan. Type A responds best to body-centering exercises such as yoga and tai chi. Types B benefits from sporty exercise including biking, tennis and swimming. Type O purportedly responds to running, martial arts and aerobics, and for type AB, a combination of types A and B exercises work best for fitness and weight loss.