How to Calculate Ideal Weight From Height
Ideal Body Weight
Measure your height in inches. Write this measurement down on a sheet of paper.
Subtract five feet from your measurement. Write this adjusted number down. Convert to inches. For example, if you stand six-feet and two-inches tall, write down one foot and two inches. Then convert the number to 14 inches.
Multiply the converted number from Step Two by 5.07 lbs (2.3 kg). For example, if the converted number from Step Two reads 14 inches, then your total number for Step Three equals 71.0 lbs (32.2 kg).
Write down the sum of the number from Step Three and 110.2 lbs (50.0 kg) for males or 100.3 lbs (45.5 kg) for females. If the number from Step Three equals 71.0 lbs, write down 181.2 lbs (82.2 kg).
This is your ideal body weight for your height.
Adjusted Body Weight
Multiply your ideal body weight by 1.3. Write this number down. If your actual body weight is higher than this amount, then you must find your adjusted body weight.
Subtract your ideal body weight from your adjusted body weight. Multiply this figure by 0.4 and write this figure down.
Add the ideal body weight to the figure from Step Two. Write the product down. This is your adjusted body weight.