Can Eating Too Much Fruit Lead to Weight Gain?
Fruits such as apples, peaches, pears, strawberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Fruits have a high water density and are full of fiber, which means that they are naturally low in calories and will help you feel full.
According to the Center For Disease Control, adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet can help maintain your weight. Adding an excess of fruit to a diet that is already high in calories, may lead to weight gain.
Preparing fruit in certain ways can minimize the nutritional value and add calories. Eating fresh fruit is the best alternative because no sugar or preservatives have been added. Fresh fruit is also high in fiber, which helps you to feel full longer. Choose canned or frozen fruit only if fresh fruit is not available. Be sure to select brands that have no added sugar, creams or syrups.
Vegetables are typically lower in sugar and calories than fruit. According to the Dietary Guidelines For Americans 5th edition, eating more servings each day of vegetables than fruits will help you maintain your weight.