How to Calculate Average Weight for Height
Determine an exact height. This can be done by standing against a wall with the feet flat on the ground, the back straight and the head level. Mark the spot where the crown of the head is level with the wall and measure it using a tape measure or other device.
Find an exact weight. Use a scale to take three or four weight measurements and average them together.
Plug these numbers into the BMI equation. Use inches only for height, while using pounds for weight. The equation for BMI is [Weight / (Height)^2] x 703. To solve the equation, take the square of the height and divide it by the weight in inches. Multiple that result by 703. Use a calculator.
For example, a person who is 63 inches tall and 150 pounds would take the following steps:
63 x 63 = 3969
150/3969 = .37793
.37793 x 703 = 26.57
Thus, the person's BMI would be 26.57.
Compare the BMI result to the interpretive standards. BMIs lower than 18.5 are considered to be indicative of a person who is underweight, while BMIs between 18.5 and 24.9 are considered to be average. Between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, while BMIs of 30 and up could be a sign of obesity.
Plug different numbers into the equation to determine weights that fall into the average category. For example, plugging 140 pounds into the equation for a person who is 63 inches tall results in a BMI of 24.8. A weight of 105, meanwhile, results in a BMI of 18.6. Thus, the average weight range for a person 63 inches tall would be between 105 and 140 pounds according to the BMI equation.