Foods That Reduce Stomach Fat
Eggs are high in protein, which is a key to fat burning success. Because protein takes more energy to digest than fatty foods your body actually burns calories simply by digesting. Eggs also contain plenty of vitamin B12, which helps break down fat cells. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but if that is a concern you can discard the yolks and simply eat the whites.
Oatmeal really fills you up, so it's a good food to eat when you want to curb cravings for other, more fatty foods. Oatmeal is packed with fiber and also will help to lower your cholesterol. The trick to supplementing your diet with oatmeal is to avoid the varieties packaged with extra flavor and sugar. Just buy good old plain oatmeal and add a little bit of fruit or honey if you want to sweeten it up.
Nuts are another protein-packed food. Like oatmeal, they're a good option for filling you up and curbing your appetite for less healthy foods. Avoid salted nuts and choose raw almonds instead.
Beans contain protein, fiber and iron, which make them a good addition to a fat reduction diet. Choose dried beans rather than canned and cook them properly. Some beans you may want to try are kidney beans, lima beans, chickpeas and edamame.
Berries not only satisfy your cravings for sugar, but they are also a good source of fiber and vitamins. Many berries also contain anti-oxidants, which are good for your overall health.
The calcium in dairy foods such as cottage cheese, yogurt and low-fat milk can help break down fat. The key is sticking to low-fat and fat-free options. As a bonus, dairy products will strengthen your bones.
Good Fats
While it may seem counter-intuitive to consume fat to lose fat, so-called "good fats" can keep your cholesterol low and actually help you burn body fat. The best option is olive oil, which is full of monounsaturated fat. Another recommended fatty food is avocado, which is also a source of monounsaturated fat as well as fiber.