How to Calculate Proper Weight
Measure yourself to see how tall you are. Record your answer in inches.
Square your height in inches. This means to multiply the number times itself. For instance, if you are 62 inches tall, multiply 62 x 62 to get 3,844.
Multiply the figure you obtained in Step 2 by two separate numbers. First multiply it by 18.5 and record your answer. Then multiply it by 24.9 and record your answer. In this example, you would multiply 3,844 by 18.5 to get 71,114. Then, you would multiply 3,844 by 24.9 to get 95,715.6.
Divide each answer that you obtained in Step 3 by 703 to get the range of weight that is considered proper for your height. For instance, you would divide 71,114 by 703 to get 101.16, which could be rounded to 101 pounds. This would be the low end of your proper weight range. Then divide 95,715.6 by 703 to get 136.15, or 136 pounds, which would be the upper end of your ideal weight range.