How Can I Increase My Metabolism & Burn More Fat?
Incorporate intense workouts into your daily exercise routine. Alternating moderate running or biking with brief periods of all-out effort or training with slightly heavier weights than normal creates an after-burn effect during which your body continues to burn extra calories even after you stop exercising. The after-burn typically lasts one to two hours but can last for up to 24 hours after your workout.
Build muscle mass. Just 5 to 10 pounds of added lean muscle mass increases your resting metabolism and helps your body burn approximately 100 extra calories per day.
Get enough rest. According to Dr. John Berardi, president of Precision Nutrition and author of "The Metabolism Advantage," 60 percent to 75 percent of the calories your body burns are burned while you sleep.
Eat every two to three hours. Eating stimulates your metabolism for a short time. Eating often also lets your body know that food is readily available and that there is no need to store excess fat. Sporadic eating sends your body into starvation mode, where it stores as much fat as possible in case the next meal doesn't come soon. Eat healthy, filling foods to avoid increased calorie intake.
Eat foods that are high in fiber. Fiber isn't digestible, but your body works hard trying to break it down, using up energy and increasing your metabolism. Vegetables are a good source of fiber and are low in calories.
Eat fish or take fish oil capsules. The omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil (DHA and EPA) increases fat-burning enzymes while decreasing fat-storing enzymes. Researchers from the University of Western Ontario say that these fatty acids have the ability to boost your metabolism by up to 400 calories per day.
Keep you body slightly colder in the winter and warmer in the summer. Staying at a comfortable temperature eliminates the need for your body to regulate its temperature. Allowing yourself to get a bit cold or hot kick-starts your body to warm or cool you, thereby using energy and increasing metabolism.
Move whenever possible. Keeping your body active is essential in increasing and maintaining a high metabolism. Stand instead of sit. Dance or walk instead of being still. Create opportunities throughout the day to move your body.