High-Calorie Snacks for Kids
A smoothie is a great source of nutrition and calories. A smoothie is the equivalent of a healthy milkshake, and many children will happily devour them. For a simple smoothie, blend a cup of plain yogurt, a handful of fresh or frozen fruit, and a splash of 100% fruit juice. "Snacks in Seconds" by ADDitude suggests including high-calorie ingredients such as peanut butter or canned fruit to bump up calories for children who have trouble keeping weight on due to attention deficit or other issues.
Peanut Butter Snacks
Top other foods with peanut butter to increase calories. Peanut butter is a very high-calorie food, and as long as a child doesn't have any allergies to it, it can be used in many ways. Peanut butter on crackers or miniature peanut butter and jelly sandwiches make a great snack. Spread some peanut butter on sliced apples, bananas or even tortillas.
Homemade Trail Mix
Dried fruit provides calories and sweetness to a trail mix. The best part of making your own trail mix is that you can custom-make it to fit a child's tastes. Nuts are usually included in a trail mix and are high in calories. According to Healthy Cooking in "Tips to Gain Weight," dried fruit is a great way to bump up calories while considering nutrition. Kids will enjoy digging through their mix to find raisins, dried bananas, apricots and other chunks of dried fruit. Throw in a few chocolate chips or M&Ms to satisfy a sweet tooth and add some color to the trail mix.
Cheese Snacks
Snacks made from cheese will bump up caloric content. Children who need to increase calories can do so easily on a daily basis by adding in some snacks made from cheese. Slices of cheese served with crackers or apples are a favorite, or cook up a grilled cheese sandwich and cut it in small squares or strips for a different snack. Leave string cheese on a lower shelf in the refrigerator so kids can grab this convenient snack and increase their calorie content.
Stock Up in the Dairy Department
Eggs and other dairy products provide calcium and calories. In general, the dairy department of the grocery store contains many choices for high-calorie snacks. For a child who needs to gain weight, use milk with a higher fat content to make puddings or mix with a product such as Carnation Instant Breakfast. According to "High-Calorie/High-Protein Diet" by Children's Hospital at Stanford, eggs are an excellent source of calories and protein. For snacks, hard-boiled eggs, egg salad on crackers or deviled eggs are convenient choices.
The dairy department also has a wide variety of yogurts available. Yogurts come in drinkable form, in plastic tubes, and with stir-ins such as granola, chocolate chips, or candy pieces attached to the package. With all the choices and flavors available, the dairy department will definitely have a high-calorie yogurt option that a child will enjoy.