Diet Plans That Are Safe for Teens
High-Quality Treatment Center or Weight Loss Camp
Sometimes stimulating change in an adolescent's surroundings helps motivate them to become more active and get them on the right path to healthful behaviors. Enrolling them in a safe, clinically appropriate environment like a weight loss camp, allows them to focus on learning how to eat right and stay fit with a group of their peers. In addition, they will obtain the tools necessary to apply what they learn to their daily schedule once they return home.
Modify An Exisitng Eating And Exercise Program
Formulating a healthy eating and exercise plan is a healthy way to approach weight loss in teens. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, teenage girls require 2,200 calories a day with 9 servings of whole grains, 4 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of fruit, 2 of dairy and 3 servings of lean protein daily. Teenage boys require 2,800 calories a day and 11 servings of grains, 5 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of fruit and 3 servings each of dairy and lean protein daily. Adding in one hour of daily exercise in the form of sports and other activities like running, biking and swimming helps burn calories and aids in weight loss.
Reduce Sugar Intake
Reducing the amount of refined sugar in a teen's diet significantly affects their weight loss goals. Sugary sodas and juices have no nutritional value and are laden with empty calories that contribute to weight gain. Studies have shown that consuming a single 12-oz sugar-sweetened beverage a day translates to an average of 1-pound weight gain over 3-4 weeks. Eliminating these drinks and other sugar-filled foods results in a healthier lifestyle for your teen.