Ideal Weight & BMI
Ideal Weight
Your ideal weight will fall within a range of healthy weights adjusted for your height, age and sex. These ranges are the most advantageous for good health. Knowing their ideal weight range can help people who are overweight to set realistic weight-loss goals and improve their health. However, ideal weight charts may make no adjustments for body fat. A muscular person could be considered overweight when he is in fact healthy.
BMI is another way to determine healthy weight. BMI is a measure of body fat in relation to overall weight and height. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an adult who has a BMI of more than 25 has increased health risks compared to a person who has a BMI of less than 25. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and 30 or above is considered clinically obese.
The BMI is considered a more accurate measure of healthy weight than an ideal weight chart because it has been adjusted to reflect muscle mass, not just overall body weight. BMI is determined by multiplying a person's weight by 703 and dividing this by the square of his height in inches. For instance, a woman who is 5 ft., 5 in. tall and 128 lbs. has a BMI of approximately 21.3. BMI and ideal weight charts are only rough guides, as each person is different and what is healthy for one may not be suitable for another.