How to Find a Diet Buddy Online
Find an online community to join. Many health and weight loss websites, including Web MD, Discovery Health and LiveStrong, offer dieting forums. Online communities such as Craigslist and Yahoo! Groups offer dieting forums and groups as well. Review various weight loss and diet forums and communities and join one that fits your diet plan and lifestyle.
Look for a diet buddy with similar goals for weight loss. If you and your diet buddy have vastly different weight loss goals, if will be more difficult to understand and encourage each other.
Choose a diet buddy with a similar weight-loss plan. Comparing results and sharing tips and strategies with your diet buddy will be easier if you are using similar weight-loss techniques.
Select a diet buddy with characteristics like yours. For a successful diet buddy relationship, your diet buddy should have a similar lifestyle and family life. If you have children and your diet buddy doesn't, she won't be able to offer tips and commiseration regarding the complications of dieting and exercising around children's schedules.
Ensure your diet buddy has realistic goals. Base your relationship on honesty and communication. If your diet buddy plans to lose 60 pounds in a month and a half, he will have an extremely difficult time and may stop being your diet buddy after not seeing the progress he wants. Choose a diet buddy you think you'll be able to have a lengthy relationship with.