How Do I Develop Combat Stamina?
Join a boot camp. Boot camp training is developed to push your body beyond its limits. Exercise boot camps can be found in most areas across the U.S. Fitness centers offer boot camp training as well as certified instructors. To find a boot camp check with local fitness centers.
Run daily. Running is a method of building stamina used in all training. Running will help you control breathing and helps you train for sprints. Sprints are used in combat stamina training to get you comfortable with running at high speeds. Stamina builds over time, and you will need to train for 21 days. According to, habits are formed after 21 consistent times. There are no shortcuts, you will need to run as much as possible.
Build upper-body strength with push-ups and pull-ups. Push-ups are used by high-endurance trainers to develop muscles. These are exercises you can do anywhere at anytime. Start with as many as you can do and add a few each day to build your endurance. urges doing 200 push-ups throughout the day. This can be as little as a set of 10 every half-hour. Your endurance will increase over time. It is recommended that you do pull-ups for 10 days and rest for three to four days before starting again.
Fuel your body with water and carbohydrates before and after exercise. Your body will need energy to burn with this high level of exercise. If you are exercising hard for 60 to 90 minutes, it is recommended that you eat during your exercise. Foods like raisins, fruit or energy bars, as well as water or sport drinks, can be used to fuel the body. When possible, eat nutritious meals before and after exercise.