What Are Some Totally Free Diet Plans for Teens?
It is common to find diet programs and plans that have some cost associated with them. Many teens do not have money to spend on diet plans because they are not producing an income yet. Parents that are on a budget should not have to spend more money to have healthier children. The key to finding free diet plans for teens is finding diet plans that are successful and cater to a teen's lifestyle.-
Spark Teens
Overweight teens are a regular occurrence in our society, and Spark Teens understands the problem. Spark Teens is a spin-off from the original Spark People weight management website. This website has helpful information for teens to read and tries to promote healthy weight loss. Teens must sign up and create an account, and membership is free. There is nothing to buy but the food suggestions given for consumption. The website offers support teams and message boards for teens to relate to each other about their weight problem. The fitness program and meal plans are catered to met the needs of growing teens who still need nutrition but desire to shed some pounds.
Weight Loss Central
Try the Weight Loss Central, which is designed by makers of the Wellspring weight loss programs. While Wellspring does not recommend a specific diet plan, it does provide free tools to form a successful teen diet plan. Teens are able to use this site to find recipes to achieve their daily calorie limits as well as improve their weight loss strategies. Recipes come with instructions and nutrition information to help teens track their caloric intake. Blogs and forums are nothing new for teenagers, so the people at Wellspring have incorporated these features into the website to make it teen-friendly. There are special weight charts for teens and calculators to gauge the amount of calories burned per exercise session. Wellspring does provide links to outside diet plans that may cost a few dollars to participate, but it is not necessary to follow these outside diet plan to be successful from the Weight Loss Central website.
Counting Calories
During a health checkup, ask your teen's doctor what is recommended for her daily calorie intake to promote weight loss so your teen can count her caloric intake. Once your teen knows how many calories she should be consuming every day, she can count her caloric intake by reading package ingredients before eating. Also, tell your teen to refer to the MyPyramid, which offers personalized eating plans as a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.