Simple Foods That Help Burn Fat Quickly
Measure out 24 unsalted almonds per day. Eat these between meals until you feel full. Almonds are slow to digest, leaving your stomach full throughout the day. Drink fat-free milk or coffee: calcium helps break down fat in your body and coffee increases your metabolism. Avoid most additives in your coffee or use fat-free milk in their place.
Regular oatmeal is slow to digest, making it a perfect breakfast meal. It will stay in your stomach for hours and help you avoid early binging. If you prefer a breakfast with more taste, try making your own smoothies from fruit, non-fat yogurt and a few teaspoons of protein powder. They work particularly well when combined with a fat-burning exercise program. Eggs make another vital breakfast component and contain B12 which assists your body to metabolize fat throughout your day.
Berries provide a perfect lunch option with a high fiber count to help you stay full for longer. Turkey or fish such as tuna or salmon are lean and help reduce chemicals in your body that produce fat. When combined with whole-grain bread, they become an ideal lunchtime sandwich option. Whole grain, or whole wheat, bread retains many nutrients that some wheat breads strip away. Drink natural tea with your lunch; the high quantity of antioxidants help in weight loss while providing many other positive health benefits.
Add olive oil to your dinner. It has enough fat to help you control your cravings, provides a pleasant taste and is healthier than things like vegetable oil. Begin your dinners with a salad, heavy in romaine or arugula instead of iceberg lettuce. This provides a high degree of fiber while adding very few calories. Avocados make another excellent source of fiber and have a unique flavor and texture that they add to a meal. Switch to parmigiano-reggiano cheese in place of higher fat cheeses. The high calcium and fiber combination makes it a beneficial way to finish your day by keeping you full until bedtime and breaking down fat in your body.