How to Burn Abdomen Fat
Things You'll Need
- Yoga mat or towel
- Chair
Introduce crunches into your exercise routine. Crunches will help you strengthen the abdomen and burn stomach fat. To perform a crunch, lay down on your back on a yoga mat or towel with your legs together, knees bent, feet comfortably on the ground. Cross your arms over your chest so that the hands are touching the opposite shoulders. Slowly lift your head, neck, and shoulder up off of the ground until there are two to three inches of space between your shoulders and the floor. Hold this position for two seconds before slowly releasing back to the starting position. This completes one repetition. To perform one set of crunches, do eight to ten repetitions. According to The American Council on Exercise, to burn abdominal fat you should perform two to three sets of crunches, three to five days a week.
Introduce the stomach vacuum pose into your daily routine. The vacuum pose is an isometric contraction that can be done any time, anywhere. To perform the stomach vacuum, sit in a chair with your back straight. Flex your abdominals and attempt to pull your bellybutton back towards your spine. Do not suck your stomach in; this should be done through muscle contraction alone. Hold this position for 120 seconds before releasing to complete one repetition of the stomach vacuum. According to The American Council on Exercise you should perform two to three repetitions of the vacuum pose daily to tone and tighten the stomach.
Introduce the reverse crunch into your exercise routine. The reverse crunch tones the lower abdominals and helps burn stomach fat. To perform a reverse crunch, lay down on a yoga mat or towel with your legs together bent comfortably at the knees, arms at your sides. Flex your abdominals and pull your knees towards your chest, lifting your hips one to two inches off of the ground. Hold the position for two seconds and slowly release back to starting position to complete one reverse crunch. Perform eight to ten reverse crunches to complete one set. According to The American Council on Exercise you should perform two to three sets of the reverse crunch, three to five days a week to help burn abdominal fat.