How to Calculate BMR Rate
Determine the individual's weight in pounds, height in inches, age in years and sex.
Use this calculation to determine BMR for women: 66 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) - (4.7 x age) = BMR
Use this calculation to determine BMR for men: (6.23 x weight) + (12.7 x height) - (6.8 x age) = BMR
Use the BMR to calculate TDEE. TDEE is the total number of calories burned off by your body in a 24-hour period.
• Little or no daily exercise = BMR x 1.2
• Light daily exercise = BMR x 1.375
• Moderate daily exercise = BMR x 1.55
• Hard daily exercise = BMR x 1.75
• Extreme daily exercise = BMR x 1.9
Determine weight goals. If the individual is attempting to lose weight, reduce the amount of calorie intake calculated by TDEE. To gain weight, increase the amount of calorie intake calculated by TDEE. Reducing and increasing values should be no more or less than 15 to 20% of the required calorie intake.