What Are the Six Fat-Burning Hormones?
Sex Hormones
The sex hormones include testosterone and estrogen and are part of the broader category of steroid hormones that are derived from cholesterol. Testosterone, which is found predominantly in males, but also found in small quantities in females, works to burn fat by increasing lean muscle mass and boosting energy.
Short, intense workouts and weight lifting increase testosterone levels. Eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats will help as well.
Mineralocorticoids and Glucocorticoids
Corticoids control salt and sugar levels in the body The most common mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. These hormones help burn fat by regulating the balance of water and salt in the body. Mineralocorticoids act on the kidneys.
Cortisol is the most important glucocorticoid. These hormones assist the fat-burning process by maintaining the body's glucose (simple sugar) metabolism.
Thyroxine, produced by the thyroid gland, raises metabolism which causes the body to burn more calories and body fat. The level of thyroxine in the body increases significantly during exercise and remains high for an extended period of time after a workout.
The hormone insulin assists in fat-burning efforts in a similar manner to that of a glucortocoid. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, controls the level of glucose in the blood and allows cells to use the simple sugar for energy. Cells cannot convert glucose to energy without insulin.
Growth Hormone
The Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced by the body's pituitary gland and is produced mostly during the hours of sleep. HGH helps with fat-burning by increasing lean muscle mass, decreasing body fat, boosting energy and helping to control blood sugar and insulin levels.
Short, intense workouts; weight lifting; and adequate sleep are activities that will help the body produce HGH along with limiting foods that contain simple carbohydrates.
Regular exercise increases levels of fat-burning epinephrine A more common name for the hormone epinephrine is adrenaline. Produced by the adrenal gland, epinephrine, helps the body burn fat by increasing heart rate and diverting blood to the muscles. During exercise, epinephrine causes the breakdown of stored carbohydrates and fats and converts them into usable energy.