How do I Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Mass?
Strength Training
Strength training builds lean muscle mass while improving overall health. According to MSNBC, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association report that muscle mass can be increased at any age through strength training including at least eight to 12 repetitions of eight to 10 exercises for the shoulders, back, chest, arms and legs using free weights, machines, or other weight-bearing activities.
Incorporate Cardiovascular Exercises
Not only is cardiovascular exercise good for your heart, but incorporating cardio into your strength training regimen also will melt away pounds of fat. Perform at least 30 minutes of cardio after completing your strength training exercise at least three times per week. The cardio that you perform should be vigorous enough to cause heavy breathing but should not be strenuous enough to cause exhaustion.
Reconstruct Your Diet
"Calories in" vs. "calories out" is a sure-fire way to lose weight effectively. Although it is important to cut calories for weight loss, it is equally pertinent to assemble the proper dietary components to feed muscle. Include protein equal to 1 gram for each pound of body weight, fruits and vegetables high in fiber, healthy fats like omega 3, 6, and 9, and whole grains.