Slim 4 Life Diet Secrets
Pros & Cons
According to a review by Diet Spotlight, the program's advantages are that it advocates both exercize as well as good nutrition to lose weight. Dieters are given personal attention in all weight loss consultations. However, disadvantages include the expense (there are no fixed costs and much of it will depend on how much weight you need to lose). If you gain more weight while still on the program, you'll need to pay more money. Diet Spotlight also mentions that participants are recommended weight loss pills, but no information on this is provided through the program in advance, so researching this beforehand can prove to be difficult. A review by the website, says the Slim4Life "appears to be a sensible plan with plenty of personal support and encouragement, and has brought successful weight loss for many overweight people, although the costs need to be evaluated before enrolling."
Clients Turned Teachers
Many of the weight loss experts with Slimgenics were once clients. The company claims that their clients have managed to keep off the weight they've lost. There are testemonials to this effect on the Slimgenics website.
Exercise and Daily Activity
The focus is on both exercise and nutrition, and participants are strongly encouraged to increase their daily activity levels. Exercise is recommended by the program, but there are no hard and fast rules for this. According to the Slimgenics website, their focus is on 'long-term control' of weight loss and this would be with or without exercise, by just increasing the daily activity levels of participants.