What Foods Decrease Your Appetite?
Foods with a Low Glycemic Index
The glycemic index shows how fast a food raises the blood sugar. Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose in the blood. Foods that are low on the glycemic index, with a rating of 55 or below, allow a gradual release of energy and a slow increase of sugar in the blood. This process decreases the appetite, prolonging the length of time an individual feels full following a meal. Foods with a low glycemic index include all fruits and vegetables, oats, pasta and wholegrain breads.
High-fiber Foods
Foods with a high amount of dietary fiber provide multiple benefits to the body. Fiber helps produce normalized bowel movements, lowers blood cholesterol, controls blood sugar levels and assists in weight loss. Since high-fiber foods generally require a longer amount of chewing time, the body registers a feeling of fullness sooner, thus preventing overeating. In terms of the volume of a meal, high-fiber foods usually provide more food for less calories than meals low in fiber. Foods high in fiber include dried beans, oats, peas, whole grain foods and corn bran.
Low-energy Density Foods
Foods low in energy density are foods that provide a low caloric intake when eaten in moderate to large amounts. Eating larger amounts of foods that contain fewer calories assists in dietary maintenance. Foods with low energy density often have a high water content, which further aids in decreasing the appetite and preventing overeating by providing a quicker sense of fullness. Low energy density foods include most fruits and vegetables.
Eating soup before a meal can cause a decrease in appetite. The amount of soup you should consume before a meal to lower your appetite should be enough to make you feel almost full. Chicken, vegetable or beef broths are especially useful in this technique for appetite control.