100 Calorie Snacks List
You can satisfy your sweet tooth and stay within 100 calories. If you have a sweet tooth, you do not have to completely eliminate sweets from your stash of snacks. Chocolates, such as five Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Drops, two Mrs. Fields Decadent Chocolates, or four Andes Bars may satisfy your chocolate craving.
You can also make jello, using two packages of jello mix and three cups water. Chill until thickened. Do not let the jello set. Next, add 1/3 cup of whipped cream into the jello until it has a souffle consistency. This will give you six servings.
One ounce of hard candy or jelly beans also serves as another sweet, 100-calorie snack.
Fruits and Vegetables
Many fruits and vegetables are tasty 100-calorie snacks. Fruit can substitute for candy if you have a sweet tooth. A piece of fruit is usually less than 100 calories and contains just the amount of sugar to satisfy a craving for sweets without adding too much sugar to your diet. Half of a small avocado, a medium-sized banana, 1/2 cup of sweetened applesauce, or a 1/2 of a cantaloupe are all fruit snacks with 100 calories.
One small baked sweet potato, a large stalk of celery with a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter, or a cup of of baked acorn or butternut squash are all examples of delicious vegetables that you can snack on to aid your healthy dieting.
One hundred-calorie snacks can be created with dairy products. Dairy items also make tasty 100-calorie snacks. If you enjoy snacking during the heat of the day, cooling snacks such as a third of a cup of sherbet or 3 fluid ounces of fat-free vanilla ice cream may be perfect for you. Four to 6 ounces of no-fat or low-fat yogurt is another dairy snack option, as well as an ounce of Bleu cheese.
Meat, Eggs and Nuts
The protein found in meat, eggs and nuts provides nutritious 100-calorie snacks. You can get lots of protein by snacking on meat, eggs and nuts. One scrambled egg mixed with a tablespoon of skim milk is a great low-calorie snack before or after breakfast. Ten cashews or 10 almonds are 100-calorie snacks you can fit in the palm of your hand. A chicken or a turkey Frankfurter, or 2 ounces of lean roast beef are yet two more choices you can add to your 100-calorie snacks list.