The Quickest Ways to Gain Weight
Bad Calories
The first thing you need to do is cut trans fats and saturated fats out of your diet, because your body cannot get as much out of them. This means that processed food has to go--fast food and prepackaged food will make you feel full in the short term, but in the long term you will not gain weight if your body is not inclined towards keeping it as fat.
You should also avoid simple carbs like white bread as these have the same effect.
Good Calories
On the other hand, you should dramatically increase your consumption of complex, natural foods that are high in fat. So, while you should avoid potato chips you should consume a great deal of bacon and wholegrain bread. The former is high in protein and natural fat while the latter is high in complex carbs.
Dairy is also key. This is high in both proteins and natural fats, both of which your body will efficiently process and store.
Finally, you should stimulate your muscles with weight training. The key here is working your whole body in small bursts--if you work out for too long you will burn too many calories, which is in opposition to your goal of putting on weight.
You should try to get as much out of your hour (or less) workout as possible. This means avoiding isolation exercises that only work one muscle (like crunches and curls) and stressing compound exercises that work entire muscle groups (like squats, dead lifts and bench presses). If you do these exercises every second day while ratcheting up your consumption of good calories, you should gain weight extremely quickly.