How to Burn Bum Fat
Things You'll Need
- Raw fruits and green vegetables
- Aerobic step
- Aerobic bike
- Swiss ball
- Body brush
Reduce foods that increase body fat, like dairy products, red meat, fries, chocolate and similar high-fat foods. Reduce the amount of other calorie-rich foods you consume, such as rice, potatoes, bread and pasta.
Increase your intake of nutritious foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, like fresh raw fruits and raw green vegetables. Combine them with concentrated healthy fats and carbohydrates like olive oil, nuts and seeds, brown rice and brown pasta that give the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time.
Use a Swiss ball to do squats against a wall, resting it between your back and the wall. Lean against the Swiss ball while you squat down and as you push yourself back up. Stand straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart and maintain this posture during the whole squat. Squats are extremely effective in reducing fat and shape the bum, according to the No Fat website.
Do high-intensity cardio exercises like bike riding or step-up exercises on an aerobic step for around 45 minutes to 1 hour daily. Both these exercises target the bum area to shape the gluteus (buttock) muscles.
Massage the bum area regularly before a shower with a body brush. This body brushing tones down flab and reduces the appearance of cellulite, which can result from a build up of toxins.