Tips to Lose Weight in College
Walk to Class
One of the easiest ways to lose weight in college is to walk to class instead of driving. If you live on campus, simply walking from your dorm to each of your classes can help you burn calories and stay in shape.
Take the Stairs
Opting to take the stairs over the elevator to your classes above ground floor is a simple adjustment you can make in your routine to drop weight. Taking the stairs will not only burn calories, it will also help tone your legs and strengthen your lower body.
Drink Water
The temptation to drink caffeinated beverages will run high as you work on your English essay or cram for finals, but by choosing to drink water instead you will eliminate taking in the empty calories that coffee and soda are filled with. Drinking water will help you lose weight, clear up your complexion and feel more alert and focused for class.
Pack a Lunch
Instead of spending money everyday to grab lunch at a nearby fast food restaurant, pack a lunch that is high in nutrients and low in fat. A homemade sandwich with an apple or granola bar is a far more nutritious option than a cheeseburger with fries. By packing a lunch, you will keep your calorie and fat intake to a minimum while still meeting your daily nutritional requirements.
Reserve Take Out for Special Ocassions
Much like caffeinated beverages, it can be tempting to order a pizza or Chinese food while you are busy studying for exams. To curb your hunger without sacrificing your diet, keep your mini fridge stocked with healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit, pretzel sticks and trail mix. This will save you money and keep you feeling full and focused on your studies.