Tips to Be Skinny
Fruit in the Morning
Begin your day with fruit. There are many reasons why eating fruit in the morning is good for your body as well as an efficient way to get skinny. According to, fruit in its raw form is one of the best forms of energy. Fruit has sugar in it, however, this sugar is easy for the body to digest and usually will not result in the "high" leading to the "crash" of sugar in say, chocolate. Most fruit is also high in fiber and will keep you feeling full longer. Many dieters have found that eating fruit all morning long will result in being skinny quickly.
Begin the Day With Physical Activity
Begin the day with a jog or time on the treadmill or elliptical machine. Beginning the day with a workout will jump start your metabolism and get more calories burned in a shorter amount of time, says the site After beginning the day with a workout, getting in other physical activity throughout the day will also help you get skinny. For example, take the stairs in the office building rather than taking the elevator or walk around the block on your lunch break. Any sort of physical activity will jump start your metabolism and get the calories burning faster.
Good Night of Sleep
According to, women who sleep less than five hours a night are more likely to gain an additional five pounds every year than women who get at least seven hours of sleep or more a night. Additionally, sleep refreshes you so you are able to attack the next day with fervor. After a good night of sleep a person is more likely to eat healthy the next morning and more likely to begin the next morning with physical activity.