How to Maintain BMI
Monitor Your Eating Habits
Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat foods containing whole grains. Some examples are brown rice and whole wheat bread. Ensure that your meals contain dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt made from low-fat milk. Consume lean meat, poultry and eggs in moderation. Avoid red meat.
Avoid processed foods such as white bread, cakes, cookies, rolls and pastries. Avoid fatty, fried foods and limit your consumption of oil, butter and margarine. Make it a habit to cook your own meals and avoid eating at restaurants and fast food joints.
Eat small meals at frequent intervals throughout the day. Consume healthy snacks such as nuts, whole grain bars and fruits whenever you feel hungry. Going hungry for a long time will make you overeat and will also lower your metabolic rate.
Exercise on a Regular Basis
Find time to perform some physical activity at least 4 to 5 times every week. Go for a walk or a jog when the weather permits. Regular exercise helps you burn fat and improve muscle structure and strength.
Perform aerobic exercises such as running, walking and cycling, which are great for improving metabolism and burning energy. Start slow and improve the duration and intensity of the exercise gradually.
Work around the house on a daily basis. Cleaning, mopping, gardening and vacuuming are effective forms of exercise. They will also boost your spirit and keep your house looking great.
Manage Your Weight
Check your weight on a weekly basis. If you see an increase in your weight, try to figure out the cause. If you see an increase of more than 5 lbs., increase your level of activity and reduce your food intake until your weight is back to where it was.
Avoid dieting or depriving yourself of food. This may help in weight loss for a short while, but you will most probably regain all the weight back once you start eating normally. Growing children and adolescents may see fluctuations in BMI. This is normal, as long as there is no indication of obesity.
Maintain a log book or record of the foods you eat and the activities you perform. Also record your weight on a weekly basis. When you are in need of motivation, refer to the progress you have made.